Toilets & Janitorial
Types of floor Care
Crystallization - Waxing - Buffing - Scrubbing
Whether it's a million or a thousand square feet, we can clean and restore carpet,
vinyl, parquette or terazzo at a time or 7-days a week. Avia Cleaning Services offer
service and products for all types of floor maintenance application.
Berapapun luas lantai Anda dan jenis materialnya, kami siap memberikan nilai
tambah bagi gedung Anda. Berbagai jenis lantai seperti marmer, teraso, vynil,
parquette, epoxy, ata, ataupun karpet dapat kami tangani. Kami menawarkan
pelayanan perawatan lantai yang terbaik.
Carpet & Sofa cleaning
If things like polypropylen backing and PH sound more like Greek than good sense in
carpet maintenance, you sould talk to us. We're Avia Cleaning Service, and carpets are
one of our specialties. We can explain the importance of proper PH carpet shampooing.
Best of all, we're cost effective.
Setiap jenis karpet mempunyai karakteristik tersendiri yang membutuhkan perawatan
yang spesifik. Avia adalah ahlinya dan dijamin akan lebih hemat bagi Anda.
Toilet cleaning
The most important spot that needs intensive hygiene care will be toilet. We can have
the cleanest office to obtain a good impression of our company but if our toilet is not
well maintained it will definitely tarnish our reputation.
Berapapun bersihnya gedung kita, apabila toilet tidak terawat dengan baik akan
memberi pengaruh langsung pada gedung yang kita miliki.
Janitorial Service
A large industrial plant or commercial building can save more money through contract
janitorial and maintenance than their smaller counterparts. But you need a firm that is
big enough to do your job in the most efficient manner and experience enough to
present an established track record. That's AVIA. We approach your unique janitorial
and maintenance problem with a firm quote based on written plan, which is efficiently
executed under the care of our professional supervisors. And it pays off resulting in
better services at lower costs.
Dengan mempercayakan pekerjaan perawatan gedung kepada pihak lain akan
memberikan kemudahan bagi Anda. Yang Anda butuhkan adalah suatu perusahaan
yang memberikan pelayanan secara professional dan turut membantu menekan
anggaran Anda dalam hal perawatan gedung untuk jangka panjang. Avia adalah
jawaban yang tepat untuk kebutuhan Anda. Pelayanan terbaik dengan biaya rendah.
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Designed & Created by Abdul Rohim